Registration Policy


All persons wishing to use the services of the National Public Library, Archives and Documentation Services must be a registered member.  This means that they must possess a valid library Identification Card.

Membership is free to residents of St. Vincent and the Grenadines upon verification of name and address.  Applicants are required to complete a Registration Form and provide a form of valid identification (Passport, Driver's Permit, National Identification Card) and proof of current mailing address (Utility Bill, Bank document), or any other official document.

Currently the library’s ID card is non- transferrable between the main building block and the out districts library services.  The library Ids can be used at the National Public Library and the Archives and Documentation Center.

Categories Of Users/ Patrons

  • Children
  • Young Adults
  • Adults
    • Senior Citizens
    • Transients (i-iv)

Patron Record Confidentiality

A ’patron record” can be defined as information received, maintained and stored by a library in any format that:

  • Identifies a person as having requested /obtained specific materials and/or information from a library, including database search records.
  • Identifies a library patron by name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.
  • Identifies a library patron as having made use of library materials’ facilities or services.

Only authorized staff members shall have access to patron records, and such access should occur only in the administration of library transactions and maintenance of the NPLADS system

Any patron requesting by telephone a list of items checked out on a specific card must use the bar code number.  Library staff should not give out any specific information without the NPLADS barcode number, and staff may only give out the number of items due and the due date.

 No information about a library patron regarding or including a patron’s name, whether an individual is a registered borrower or has been a patron; a patron’s address; a patron’s telephone number or the library’s circulation records and their contents relative to any patron shall be given, made available or disclosed to any individual, corporation, institution, government agency or law enforcement agency without a court order or court-ordered subpoena.

Staff must be made aware of and comply with these privacy policies.

Description Of Users

Children Patrons

  • To be eligible for membership within this section of the library the patron must be able to sit on their own to have photo taken.
  • Membership within this library is up to the age of twelve (12) years.
  • Children Patrons are allowed to borrow a maximum of two (2) items from the children’s Library only.
  • A parent or guardian present must be present when applying for membership.  All required documents must be presented by parent or guardian(see section).

Young Adults

  • Young Adult patrons are library users between the ages of 13- 15.
  • They are allowed to borrow three (3) items from either the children or young adult sections of the library.
  • Signed registration form with the acceptable documents for their reference must be submitted on registration

Adult Patrons

  • Adult patrons are persons sixteen (16) to Fifty – four (54) years.
  • They are allowed to checkout five (5) items (4 books and a periodical).
  • They are allowed to borrow books from the children, the adult or the young adult sections of the library.

Senior Citizens

  • Senior citizens are library patrons/users who are fifty-five (55) and over.
  • They are allowed to borrow a maximum of 6 items.
  • They are not subject to library overdue for borrowed items, but are expected to pay for lost or damaged material.

Transient Patrons – Non Residents

  • This membership is extended to persons who are visitors to the country; they should be staying for a minimum of two (2) months and a maximum of one (1) year.
  • Photos - Non-residents must provide a valid passport, proof of temporary address in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and a permanent address in the country of residence.
  • There is a non - refundable deposit of $20.00 EC payable upon registration.

Library Card

  • All members receive a library card which is valid for three (3) years from the date of registration.
  • Library cards are issued at least 3 weeks after registration.
  • The library card entitles you to borrow books (for internal and external use), and use the computers

Lost Or Stolen Cards

  • Patrons are responsible for all materials checked out on their cards.   Loss or theft should be reported within forty-eight (48) hours.
  • The charge for a replacement card is $5.00 EC for all categories of members except children which is $2.50EC.
  • There is a waiting period of three (3) weeks before a new card is issued.


  • Photos must be taken at the time of registration

Acceptable Documents For Registration

  • Proof of your current address, such as, an electricity bill, telephone bill, or cable bill which you received in the mail within the last month
  • Proof of identification - Acceptable identification are
    • passport,
    • driver's permit
    • Government issued ID card.

Change of Address

Any change of address should be reported to the r egistration desk immediately.