Group Study Room Policy

The National Public Library strives to deliver and provide equal access to information through various formats. The library recognizes the importance of electronic information for educational and recreational purposes for persons, including the visually impaired.

The National Public Library’s multimedia room provides access to electronic information to library patrons.  It is available for use, free of charge, to members of the library, in accordance with the policies outlined in this document.


The multimedia room is intended as a place for persons to work and study. It is not intended for socializing.

The National Public Library’s multimedia room will allow patrons to:

  • Work on multimedia projects and presentations
  • Have a collaborative workspace for small group study
  • Access free online journals that may be used for academic research

Usage Guidelines

  •  The usage of room is also guided by the National Public Library’s Use of Computers and Equipment Policy and Code of Conduct Policy.
  • All Patrons must comply with copyright laws when recording, copying, creating and accessing material.
  • Patrons are not to alter hardware configurations or install any additional software on computers.
  • No food/beverage is allowed in the Multimedia Room.
  • No bags are allowed in the room
  • IT Unit with the assistance of library assistants will monitor the use of the room and computers
  • Activities deemed to be disruptive to other users will not be permitted
  • Persons working with audio must use headphones, unless the room is being used for group study
  • The library is not responsible for personal property left in room
  • The National Public Library is not responsible for lost or damaged files
  • Files must be saved on personal storage devices. Any files saved on computer will be deleted
  • Patrons are required to ensure that their workspace is clean before leaving the room
  • Failure to comply with guidelines will result in suspension or termination of use of room

Reservation Guidelines

  • The multimedia room is available for use during the library’s opening hours until ½ an hour before the library closes:
    • 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday
    • 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., Saturday
  • The room/computer must be reserved in order to use it
  • Only groups of 4 – 6 persons may reserve the room for group study
  • Persons must be registered members of the National Public Library in order to reserve the room/computer.
  • Room/computer reservations must be claimed by the person who made the reservation.
  • Once the room is reserved for group study, individuals cannot reserve a computer and once any of the computers are reserved, the room cannot be reserved for group study
  • The patron who reserves the room/computer is responsible for any damages incurred during its use.
  • No person or group may assign or transfer their space or reservation to another person or group.
  • The room/computer must be reserved at the Information desk
  • The room/computer may be reserved up to 1 week in advance.
  • No regularly scheduled daily or weekly meetings are permitted
  • Room/computer may be reserved for up to 2 hours per day in 1 hour time slots
  • One group or person may not reserve a room/computer for back-to-back sessions
  • A group or an individual may stay beyond their reserved time, with permission, if no one else has reserved the room or computer.
  • Cancellations may be made one hour before your reserved time
  • Reservations are held for 15 minutes. If an individual does not show up within that time room/computer may be reassigned. Special consideration may be given to persons who have a valid reason for being late.

Equipment available for use:

  • 7 computers
  • 1 Interactive white board
  • Entertainment system
  • Television
  • Radio
  • Projector