Internet Guidelines And Rules

Any member of the library may use the computer room.

Requirements for use
A valid library card. 

Duration of use

Adult patrons are allowed a maximum of one (1) hour each day.

Juvenile patrons are allowed a maximum of  fifteen (15) minutes each day

1. The internet is provided for the purposes of  accessing information.

NB.  Accessing the internet for browsing pornographic sites is strictly prohibited.

2. Only one patron is allowed at a terminal; therefore  patrons would not be allowed to conduct group work.
If patrons need a group study area please check with the reference services.

3. Users are not allowed to verbally or physically threaten or harass other patrons or staff including  fighting or challenging to fight, running, pushing of throwing objects

4. Users are not allowed to create disruptive noises, such as loud talking, screaming or banging on computer keyboards.

5. Users are not allowed to steal, damage, alter or inappropriately  interfere  with library property including computer hardware, software and other equipment is strictly prohibited.
6. Users are not to change or customize the computer settings.

7. There should be no loitering or trespassing in the computer laboratories without permission of an authorized Library employee before or after Library operating hours.

8. The use of cellular phones and other communication devices in a manner that disturbs others is strictly prohibited

9. No eating or drinking is allowed in the computer rooms

10. No littering is allowed.

11. The National Public Library does not act in place of, or in the absence of, a parent or guardian. Therefore, the library accepts no responsibility for enforcing restrictions which a parent or guardian places on a child’s use of internet resources.

12. Patrons are responsible for protecting their data.  The library is not responsible for loss of data or damage to personal equipment resulting from the use of the library’s computer.

13. Downloading files to acceptable personal storage media, such as a USB Drive, is permitted.
Downloading files and programs to the computer’s hard drive is not permitted.

Anyone who fails to comply with any of the above regulations will be logged off automatically and  temporarily barred from using the internet service of the library.